The Parent Teachers Association (PTA) is a dedicated and committed group of parents and staff who work together through various activities to provide both social and fund raising events for the children and parents of the school. Their support for the work of the School is invaluable. Our school fete 2018 alone raised almost £5,000! This money has been to put to good use and has enabled the school to provide:
- the climbing frames installed on the school field
- the new 'Kids Kitchen' was fully funded by the PTA
- We are currently designing our newest project which will build on the picnic area
- heavily subsidised educational visits such as the Audley End Chrsitmas Train for EYFS and the cost of the coach for Eagle, Puffin and Swift class to attend the pantomime
- the traditional Year 6 Leavers' Hoodies
- the children with crackers for their Christmas Lunch
- 'ice-poles' to quench the children's thirst after Sports Day
Information regarding their latest events and how to contact the committee members can be found on their Facebook page.