Before and After School Clubs
Breakfast Club
We offer an onsite breakfast club everyday from 7:30am. Mrs Hale, who runs the club, ensures the children have a hearty breakfast consisting of breakfast cereal, toast, juice etc. There are high expectations with an emphasis on manners and table etiquette.
Mrs Hale and the children has designed a daily schedule of activities, including, colouring, dodgeball, building and reading.
The children have a variety of activities that they can complete during the session.
After School Provision
We are very fortunate to be able to offer the option for our children to attend an after school club. We offer a chauffeur driven collection service for the children to attend the Neil O'Sullivan after school club. The club is ran locally and is a fantastic, highly recommended provision; our children really enjoy attending the club.
For more information about our before and after school provision, please contact the school office.